We were created to dwell in Him and for Him to dwell in us.
Keeping your eyes on Him, knowing Him, knowing He has your back, peace is yours.
The Light wraps you and holds you.
I pray you know Him, too.
Putting my car in park, I continue to think about the mountain of tasks on my to do list for the day. The thoughts continuously run through my mind. The work doesn’t end. Thankful for the work. Unlocking the door, turning on lights, placing bags from shoulders to their resting place for the day. Pulling the contents for work out from the black bag to desk. Opening the black leather portfolio with pending items waiting for me to tackle. Back to bag for glasses, phone, ear buds, lunch to refrigerator, water bottle on desk. Monitors on, calculator on, login to…
If you genuinely, sincerely receive it and it is sealed in you, nothing can separate it from you. Nothing.
Did Friday night bring sleep for red, tear-filled eyes? Or did the sorrow of the day consume the night?
In His perfect mercy, full of grace, bent low in humility, no arrogance in His demeanor, He saved.
There is no measurement to define the distance between east and west other than the outstretched arms of the Savior.