#forsuchatimeasthis - Advent - Christmas

He Is Coming

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He is already here. He was here before us. He has been here all along. But this anticipation of Him coming this time of year refers to the coming of the baby Messiah. Emmanuel. God is with us. God in human form.

He never leaves. He is constant. Never failing. Never faltering. Steady. Not shifting. Not being thrown about by any random wave wanting to knock Him off His throne.

He is Master. He is the beginning and the end. He doesn’t revolve around our desires. We were created to revolve around Him. We were created to dwell in Him and for Him to dwell in us.

Dwell. In Him.

Expect His constant presence.

Anticipate His all-consuming love.

Photo: Anita Howard (https://www.facebook.com/anita.howard.735)