
Get Away

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“For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, To hew for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns That can hold no water. Jeremiah 2:13 NASB

To the one who turns around and removes eyes from the Holy One to attempt to replace the living water with a cheap imitation in a broken vessel, wake up! God sees you and knows what you are doing. Who is Lord of your life? Why are you attempting to replace the Perfect with the imperfect?

Life gets busy. I get it.

Stuff gets in the way. I get it.

Heartbreak happens. I get it.

Offenses are made. I get it.

Hurt people hurt people. I get it.

You may find yourself enslaved by the concerns of the world. Stress overtakes and demands snatch and pull at you. You are so busy that you cannot breathe. Are you struggling to just keep up with the daily grind? Are you participating in something you know is contrary to God’s will for your life? Have you placed more trust in an idol than in the One that defines faith?

Stop. Get still. Get quiet.

Open your Bible. Grab a pen and paper.

Start writing. Write to God. His letter to you is open beside your letter to Him. Let Him know why you have attempted to replace His living water with a cheap imitation. How will you phrase that confession? With honesty.

He already knows what you have going on. But tell Him anyway. After your confession, ask Him to forgive you. Thank Him for that forgiveness. Give Him praise for His mercy and grace.

Choose a passage to read in your Bible. Maybe Psalm 23. Wherever you land, ask Him to speak to you. Ask Him for discernment and wisdom. He is faithful.

After spending time with Him, ask Him to help you make a plan to eliminate anything that steals your time away from Him. Choose how you will use the resources God has given you for His honor and glory without being wasteful or poorly prepared. Be certain to stand firm in the direction He points you in and armor up.

When you take that stance on the firm foundation of the Rock, you will be susceptible to future attacks from the enemy. He does not want you returning the place of security and surety. He wants to keep you enslaved with the cheap imitation that weighs you down. In the mighty name of Jesus, tell the enemy otherwise.

Moment by moment you will continue making every effort to stay near God. Under the shelter of His wings, you will find refuge. He will provide replenishment. He will refresh and restore.

So get away and sit with Him for a while. Pull up a chair and bask in the glory of His presence. He has all the time in the world and is waiting to make intentional plans with you guarded by His armor.

Enjoy your time with Him.