I can hear the giggles and squeals as they brush their hair and dress. The expectation of a wedding. Frills and lace and gold and flowers and nerves and excitement and anticipation all building in the hearts and minds of those ten virgins. All having dreamed of this night for so long. This is what they have been waiting for.
Five took time to plan and prepare for the occasion. Gathered the necessities and placed them within quick reach. They knew what was needed. They knew to expect the unexpected. Five prepared for a prolonged wait.
Five allowed the excitement to cloud their thinking. Just getting there was the goal. Tripping over themselves to arrive. Hair falling into their eyes. Dropping jewelry from nervous fingers. Important considerations forgotten.
Time slipped by and no groom. Excitement can be exhausting. The climax of the evening not yet known but drowsy eyes overtook the ten. Slumber claimed them.
Five rested well knowing their provisions were adequate.
Five rested unknowing the provisions were scarce for the time.
“Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour. Matthew 25:13 NASB
At midnight the shout came. The call came. The alarm sounded. Eyes shot open. Heads popped up. Hands reached quickly for the provisions. The groom was ready and waiting.
Five were prepared. Ready to go. Confident in the provisions in hand. Prudently prepared.
Five were unprepared. Not ready to go. Counting the provisions and seeing they lacked. Poorly prepared.
Borrowing wasn’t an option. Scrambling over each other to go out and search for provisions. Time was wasting. Leaving the event to acquire what was needed left them behind a closed door as the five prudently prepared virgins entered into the wedding feast.
Upon returning the five poorly prepared virgins were denied entry. Unknown to the groom, they banged on the door wanting in. Knowing the festivities just on the other side of the door were grand and wonderful. They had waited and wanted this night without properly preparing. The groom turned them away.
Plans without preparation failed. Plans to enter into the wedding feast and enjoy the celebration cut off by lack of preparation. Just arriving was the goal. Enjoyment anticipated fell flat. Locked out for lack of preparation.
Distractions cause wasted time. Last minute shopping stole time needed to be present for the moment. And then, no more time allowed in the presence of the groom.
Plans crushed under the weight of poor preparation leaves disappointment in the push of doors closing. Time creeping in while slumbering creates panic when the moment arrives. Denial of what was planned.
What preparations do your plans require? Have you considered all the resources needed to carry out your plans? Where will your resources come from?
In preparation for eternity, your resources come from God. He has provided His Son as the path for you to reach Him. His Word is available for you to spend time reading to prepare for His arrival. Leaving His Word closed shuts off your preparation.
Don’t be left closed out of the wedding feast.