• #forsuchatimeasthis

    Turning Pages

    Flipping pages of a good book goes undetected. An automatic response to bring the next desired scene is not something we consider a nuisance. It is a movement made with little to no conscious effort due to the benefit it brings. Just a natural response to a desired outcome. The story line may weave in and out of your emotions bringing highs and lows. Gripping tales that sit waiting for you to pick up and devour. Adventures to travel in the recesses of your mind. Heart-pounding rides of terror, heart-ache, excitement, conviction. Words that inspire and ignite the senses or…

  • #forsuchatimeasthis


    Is there anything that you desire so much that you just can’t stop thinking about it? Your brain becomes fixated on that thing to the point you think of nothing else. When you attempt to focus on a task you become distracted and your mind takes you back to that one thing that is in the immediateness of your being! It can be anything. A cupcake. A car. A new job. A house. A person. A cupcake. Oh, I already said that. You get the point. It. Just. Has. To. Be. NOW! I read a book many years ago that…

  • #forsuchatimeasthis

    Relics of History

    In January, I started The Bible Recap. Follow the link to learn more. One reading brings me to 1 Kings 7 and 2 Chronicles 4. Details of the house of Solomon are descriptive enough to make one know the elaborate structure it was. Fine workmanship with precision created a work of art. Careful consideration was given to designing and building the house. There is a corresponding podcast that goes along with The Bible Recap. Again, links provided here. Tara-Leigh Cobble shares insight for the daily readings. She and her team provide additional resources within the notes of each podcast. Notes…

  • #forsuchatimeasthis

    Sitting Still With Him

    I don’t have it all together.  But I know the One that does.  I continually fail.  He has never failed.  Doubts and fear attempt to assail me.  He disperses all doubt and fear. I have no control over anything. He has complete control. I can stir up chaos just by sitting still. He calms it. I am selfish. He is selfless. I am full of hate. He is love. With so many issues barraging us from all sides, sometimes we need to stop the onslaught and consider the One who created us.  For you have not received a spirit of…

  • #forsuchatimeasthis - confess - joy

    Just Between You and God

    Psalm 32 (NASB) How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! The blessing is too great to imagine.  Transgression that is so dark and ugly but yet forgiven.  Sin that is covered.  This covering is only the blood of Jesus. How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit! The blessing is too great to imagine.  Lord God, in His infinite mercy and grace refuses to leave iniquity on those who have sincere faith in Him. When I kept silent about my sin, my…

  • #forsuchatimeasthis

    Mother’s Day

    She held her tongue too many times to count.  She held her emotions in check as the mouth on that child dug a little deeper into the hurt planted in her heart.  If only I could go back and ask her.  If only I could go back and dig a little deeper into that heart to know that hurt a little better.  To know her a little better.  Not just her as my mother but her as a person.  She loved her family.  I know this.  She loved her church family.  I know this. She loved flowers.  I know this.…

  • #forsuchatimeasthis - cross - death - faith - glory - God's love - good - Jesus - love - missionary - rock - sacrifice - salvation - Savior

    Celebrate the Resurrection

    Friday evening before the sun set, Joseph took the body of Jesus and placed that body in a tomb. He placed a large stone in front of it. Guards stood by that sealed tomb to make sure no one stole that body. Futile job! Then the Sabbath rest. On the third day, Mary and Mary went early to the grave. They found that large stone rolled away and a frightening angel telling them to not be afraid. The guards were way beyond frightened. That angel gave them news to share. Then and there those women became the very first missionaries…

  • #forsuchatimeasthis

    Brutally Beautiful

    Peter followed at a distance. The others ran. Judas was counting his money. The perfume from the night before still lingered on His head. His face covered in bloody dirt from praying face down while His friends slept. He didn’t resist arrest. He was on alert. He was paying close attention to details. He had a job to do. He was the only one that could do it. The leaders were baffled that He didn’t even attempt to free Himself. They just didn’t fully understand Who they were dealing with. He had given so many instructions to His disciples. He…

  • #forsuchatimeasthis

    The Palm

    The story uncurled like new branches. Reaching for the light. Spreading out before the life-giving Savior. There, the anticipation of victory. He is the beacon of hope the world would forever cling to. He is pointing the way to the only way. The sure and steady directional Master paving the way. But He had to go through the dark. He had to enter that place to satisfy what mankind couldn’t. He willingly entered it. His strength all-sufficient. His is the final victory. Raised to live. On the nextday the largecrowd who had come to the feast, when they heard that…

  • #forsuchatimeasthis

    One Sweet Moment

    When I saw her yesterday, in fresh skin dressed in soft cotton, she still radiated purity.  Her dark silky hair her crown.  She slept a peaceful sleep full of smiles and moans of contentment.  I had to imagine what she witnessed behind those fluttering eyelids.  Barely two months into this world, what does she know now that we have forgotten? Surely a faith in the care of her parents. She doesn’t know all the pain this world will throw at her.  For now, she trusts that her needs will be met.  She sleeps in complete satisfaction.  She is held and…