The scent of heaven still on His skin.
Love is found in the blood dripping on a splintered cross.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NASB)
Word became flesh. Simeon could depart in peace.
She embraced the moments fully aware of her position of lowliness and honor.
We were created to dwell in Him and for Him to dwell in us.
Keeping your eyes on Him, knowing Him, knowing He has your back, peace is yours.
The Light wraps you and holds you.
This was posted originally five years ago. I needed to hear it again. Maybe you do too. Guilty. Beyond a reasonable doubt. No other logical explanation. The proof is smeared on the hands. Look at them. There are traces of red remaining. Murderer. That spike split skin and vessels and cartilage and tendons. And not only once but three times. Blood spewed from the impact of the hammer. The hand holding the spike is splattered. Skin and metal piercing the wood. The eyes of the one being nailed to the very tree of death watched every move. Knowing all too…