Charles Martin said it in “It Is Finished.” On Day 9, at the end of his prayer. “Please take me to Him.”
Yes, please. No other place I would rather be. But wait. I am not ready. I need to take a shower. I need to brush my teeth. Let me put on clean clothes. I need to dust my shoes off. No, I need to be barefoot before my Creator. Holy Ground. But wait, again! My feet are rough. And those words I spoke yesterday are still fresh on my tongue and are not honoring to the Most High. Let’s not even consider the thoughts I allow to run rampant through my heart, unguarded.
He sees it all. Was there in the moment of those spoken words. Resides in the core of that heart and knows the thoughts that bombard it. No amount of showering can scrub the filth off me.
Even then, He desires my presence.
Am I willing to be in His presence?
You see, I have this issue. I am not worthy to be in the presence of the King of Kings. And I am not good enough. No amount of good from me is good enough for Him. I can’t do anything to clean up my act enough to earn the honor of His presence. Nothing I do will ever be sufficient, except one thing.
Lay it all down. Look to the Cross of Christ and know that He takes all my not-good-enough and destroys it. Obliterates it. Complete annihilation of sin. I can’t do it. He can and will and does. His goodness is sufficient in my place. His action perfects the position I have before the Most High. My presence in His presence.
I am willing.
Claiming the Cross completed my conversion. Ushered me from death to life. Dead to sin and living in the grace and mercy of Christ.
I echo the prayer of Martin. “Please take me to Him.”