Friday evening before the sun set, Joseph took the body of Jesus and placed that body in a tomb. He placed a large stone in front of it.
Guards stood by that sealed tomb to make sure no one stole that body. Futile job!

Then the Sabbath rest.
On the third day, Mary and Mary went early to the grave. They found that large stone rolled away and a frightening angel telling them to not be afraid. The guards were way beyond frightened.
That angel gave them news to share. Then and there those women became the very first missionaries of the gospel message. Good news was shared that the grave had been conquered and death was no more for the risen Savior.
Today we celebrate the risen Savior. Celebrations confined in social distancing shouldn’t be hidden and hoarded but shared. Celebrating our risen Savior should be shouted aloud. HE IS RISEN! He defeated the grave and is alive for me!
We may share this amazing, grace-filled, merciful moment in many ways.
I remember my grandmother coming to visit. Her visits always brought loads of candy. This is one thing I remember about childhood celebrations!

I remember sharing egg-hunts. As a young mother, I enjoyed sharing the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus with children as they waited for the eggs to be hidden.

I remember my children coming to show me how many eggs they had found.

I remember dressing up in clothes I really didn’t want to wear!
I remember food and fun and gatherings.
This year looks a little different. This year, let’s celebrate the risen Savior with fewer things that may take our eyes off Him.
This year, let’s celebrate the risen Savior because HE IS RISEN!
Who, on Friday, defeated sin. Who, on Friday, told that thief on another cross that he would be with Him in paradise that very day. Who, on Friday, stayed on that cross until it was finished. Who, on Friday, completed a job that only He could do. Who, on Friday, provided my redemption from sin.
Joyous, glorious Resurrection Day to you!