Next time you check your inbox, make sure the outbox of your prayers is consistently updated.
Gather your tools and prepare to plant your garden. You can anticipate a bountiful harvest. Your efforts will be rewarded.
“For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, To hew for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns That can hold no water. Jeremiah 2:13 NASB To the one who turns around and removes eyes from the Holy One to attempt to replace the living water with a cheap imitation in a broken vessel, wake up! God sees you and knows what you are doing. Who is Lord of your life? Why are you attempting to replace the Perfect with the imperfect? Life gets busy. I get it. Stuff gets in the way. I get…
God brought us this winter wonderland of beauty. He gifted us the pure white snow. Just like He gave us the purity of His Son. Jesus replaces all our sin through His blood and leaves us as white as snow.
Don't be left closed out of the wedding feast.
Were my plans made in consideration of serving God?
Those words become like blood running through my veins.
So in this moment, you have the opportunity being given to you by Him to choose Him. To seek Him as Lord and Master of your life. To lay aside the former things that keep you from Him. To begin fresh with Him.
We make plans but without God they are just unexecuted dreams.
He cleans up the unsavory, poor producing junk in our lives and leaves behind freshly trimmed branches that will burst open with life.