When my heart is heavy but light I desire nothing more than to sit in the Presence of God and rest in knowing Him. Nothing fills the space in my soul like the wondrous outpouring of grace from Him.
It is too important to wait a second longer. You need to stop whatever it is you are doing and listen to me. This is not something you can put off any longer. Do I have your attention? I mean your full attention. I cannot pound these keys any harder or faster to get this message across to you. This is the most important message you will ever read. I am not kidding. Are you listening? Really listening? This is not my message but this message comes from the Most High. Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short…
Again? Yes, again. A new opportunity awaits. With it comes new possibilities. There may be bumps in the road but we can bounce right through them because sometimes we all need a good shaking. That shaking stirs us tighter. Packs us in and makes room for more. Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” Apply a little pressure and make more room so the filling will overflow. And…
Not again. Oh, please not again. The ripping in this heart can’t take another blow. I am weary of this uncertainty. I am weary of this lack of stability. Is this a punishment for how we have treated others? Have we brought this on ourselves by not being completely obedient? Unity doesn’t exist in division, right? Are we so divided that unity can’t exist? A house divided cannot stand so on what does a divided house rely on for a sturdy foundation? Do we each have our own thing going on and no one is really sure what the other…
I am so quick to desire God to fill me up and provide fulfillment and satisfaction. Even so far as demanding that I be saturated with His goodness. He is faithful and provides such bountiful blessings. But what do I do with those blessings? Many times the provisions He blesses me with get poured out and wasted. Not poured out in worship of Him but poured out in vain. When my full devotion and worship should be poured out for Him. With the reflection of His love and light being evident in me. Me being a constant reminder of how…
She spoke words echoing my heart. It is in the clicking and the quiet that I come to Him and know His Presence. She keeps visual reminders of grace so that when the chaos builds all she need do is look around and glimpse those reminders. A spiritual reset. That is what she called it. A spiritual reset. In the midst of the broken and ugly, choosing to see that which is gift. Returning to grace because sometimes chaos deafens and blinds causing need to refocus. Remembering devotion becomes the devotional. Living in a fallen world in need of that…
This was posted originally five years ago. I needed to hear it again. Maybe you do too. Guilty. Beyond a reasonable doubt. No other logical explanation. The proof is smeared on the hands. Look at them. There are traces of red remaining. Murderer. That spike split skin and vessels and cartilage and tendons. And not only once but three times. Blood spewed from the impact of the hammer. The hand holding the spike is splattered. Skin and metal piercing the wood. The eyes of the one being nailed to the very tree of death watched every move. Knowing all too…
A building? A temple? A synagogue? A chapel? A sanctuary? No. A heart. A soul. A spirit. A place of seeking to praise Him and offering complete devotion. Completeness with Him; in Him; only through Him; by Him. Sitting, standing, kneeling, bowing, hands clasped, hands outstretched, lying face down, lying face up in solitude, in a crowd, with one or two. With or without music. Allowing all thoughts to rest on Him. Dwelling in a place spiritually that is unmatched in any other position. Being saturated with Him. Posturing physically to dwell spiritually. Taking an outward expression to prepare for…