It is early morning at my house right now. I started the dishwasher before sitting down at my computer. There is a soft whooshing of water behind that door. It isn’t loud and distracting but soft and calming.
The hum of the fan on my computer adds to the soft noise. The wall clock keeps beat with the counting of seconds. Those are the only sounds I hear at the moment. There will be an occasional dog bark outside. The heater may come on at some point. I may hear the hot water heater come on while sitting here. My keyboard clicks. My mouse clicks.
Most of these sounds happen without giving much thought to them. These are daily sounds that my ears have been conditioned to ignore. Except in the early morning when I am the only one awake, I notice them.
When I am sitting still and intentionally listening, I hear them.
As I sit here, I am listening for more than these external sounds. Those sounds will disappear as I continue clicking keys with my Bible open in front of me. There is a reason I sit at this computer.
The words on the page in front of me call me to dig deeper. In digging deeper, my attention becomes devoted to those words. Those words become like blood running through my veins. I need them. Flipping pages. Highlighting. Underlining. Adding notes in the columns.
The ticking clock reminds me these moments are fleeting. Soon, I will need to move on to other things demanding my attention during the day. But these moments of study and prayer and worship prepare me to meet those demands with proper perspective. I can take them with me as I navigate the remaining time in this day.
Time is ticking. Distractions are abundant. Is there anything keeping you from digging into God’s word? Are you willing to lay aside the distractions to draw near to Him? Will you commit time each day to sit quietly with Him and dig into His word? It may become your favorite time of day.
You will spend time doing many other things. Many of those things may not have the lasting impact as time devoted to God. Time is slipping away. What are you waiting for?

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