Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. Psalm 25:4 (NASB)
Early mornings, in the quiet. The birds are not even singing yet. The only noises come from the house and the keys clicking under my fingers. An occasional flipping of pages can be heard. Sometimes the scratching of a pencil across a page. Coffee sipped from a ceramic mug and refilled again. AirPods in ears usher in sounds of praise in certain moments.

Sitting in a circle. Voices sharing experiences. Evidence of the unseen. His hand working in ways only He understands. Awe-inspiring transformations witnessed in the expressions of beautiful faces. Tears dripping because His goodness has been known.
Cushioned seat. Bible on lap. Pen in hand. Listening guide ready to be filled. Praying for no distractions. Which is a miracle in itself with so many people in attendance. But when the Holy Spirit teaches, He quiets distractions. Praying it isn’t the man on the stage wanting the attention for himself but for God to receive worship.
Standing in line, waiting to check out. People busy choosing and chatting. Buzzing around preparing their purchases. Conversations, not always private. What is heard? Gossip or glory? What is shared? Frustration or freedom?
Driving to work. Thinking through what is to come. Traffic is heavy. Everyone vying for the front of the line. But the line is never-ending. Just keep moving. Watching the clock. Do I let the car out that has been stuck at a stop sign because traffic keeps coming with no break between lights?

That scene was not what I wanted my impressionable child to see. The large screen takes prominent place though. There are choices that can come from it.
Opportunities abound. Each moment carries with it possibilities of inviting Him into the day.
How will you invite Him into your day?