It is a big thick book. So many words, the size of it is daunting. But there it is. The contents, waiting to be read. Available for anyone that will open it.
Tragedies. Romance. Adventure. Scandal. Mystery. Betrayal. Redemption. Reconciliation. Hope. Love. Compassion. Missions. Death. Birth. Science. Fragrant. Tasty. Physical. Emotional. Spiritual. Intellectual. Radical.
Take your pick. It is there. Inside the pages waiting to be discovered. But yet it is much more than words.
It is the display of God’s love and compassion. All waiting for you to notice. Collecting dust until you decide to open it. More than the pages of the book need to be opened.
A heart. A mind. A soul. Opened to faith in the Author. Because He cares about your faith. So much so that He wrote you a lengthy letter.
Will you open the book? Will you search to discover the faith contained in its pages? In opening and search you will find that faith is a two-way street.
With a genuine heart and mind, it will be the best read ever!