She came out of the trees at a slow trot seemingly to greet me but my fear kicked in. She crossed the ditch and came toward me with a low growl. My fear remembered the unpredictability of the unknown. Will this be the place I quit? From the front porch she hears her master call so she retreats. I am still left scared. Do I go back home after only making half of my goal? What was it that happened to Daniel? I just read it. Just considered the fear and trembling Daniel felt at the presence of “… a…
How can I mourn for her? The finality which appears before my eyes is based upon what I can see. What experience do I have that causes me to think any tears I shed are for her? I can’t claim experience of where she enters. I have faith that place deserves no mourning. No! I will not mourn for her. Even though my heart skips a beat and a lump forms in my throat constricting my airway, I will not mourn for her. The tears I shed may be for me or others she leaves behind. Perhaps for the world…
Heads slowly raised and she spoke the words we all had experienced. The words were not spoken with irreverence but exultation from that which she experienced. “I felt the Holy Spirit.” Drawing into the place of worship where no outside influence can penetrate. Because God is Holy. Sacredness in a small country building that congregates His church. Women bowing heads and holding hands postured so that He can do what only He can. Laying aside chaos for peace. Replacing turmoil with comfort. Recognizing in that very moment our position of sitting at the feet of the One to be adored.…
He said it out loud. Unexpected but anticipated. The words matched the situation but how could he know. He spoke reality without even knowing the situation. To have it recorded would do it much better justice. The explanation of pulling away instead of coming together. The desire of running and hiding with hopes of the darkness covering transgressions and iniquities. Feeling like the darkness can keep it under wraps with no fear of being found out. Darkness keeping exposure prevented. Without exposure is there no evidence? Even the darkness holds clues. Perhaps an untrained witness couldn’t detect the evidence…
Forty-four for me. 49 for him. The girl has had 22 so far. One boy has had almost 18 and the other 9. The union that started this has counted nearly 25. Looking back they had 47. He has had almost 72 now. She had 65. She didn’t see 66. She didn’t see 67. Or 68. Or 69. And we won’t get to throw a party for 70 next year. Four years. She was mine for 40 years. She pushed me into this world in more ways than one. She birthed 5. She had 4 siblings. She had two parents. …
I know she is loved. She left the house this morning in anticipation of enjoying the love of good friends. In two short months she will be leaving the house to go to her own house. The house she will share with the one God has chosen for her. But for today she goes to teach a room full of third graders in desperate need of her love. She has certain ones that she struggles with and they are the very ones that need her the most. Her thoughts this morning were focused on getting through those struggles one more…
The desire to fellowship with God can be overwhelming. In the moment of pure devotion all obstacles to worship become great annoyances. Your heart yearns to explosion for Almighty God. Nothing else can satisfy and any intrusions are unwelcome and demand to be snuffed out. All things become trivial in the Light of Him. He is exalted and is magnificent. The cares of the world become so insignificant. Pure worship. Nothing else matters. Nothing else but Him. Praise to God. Honor and glory are His. He places life in dry bones. He breathes life where death had been. His resuscitation…
Practicing can be useful or detrimental. Depending upon that which is being practiced determines its usefulness. Benefits can come from certain practices but harmful consequences can come from others. From the world around us we see that certain practices bring positive results. Drinking plenty of water keeps you hydrated. Eating healthy foods provides all kinds of benefits. Exercise strengthens your physical body. Going to work on time when you are scheduled and doing a good job keeps you employed. Those are just a few worldly examples. Like the water that keeps you hydrated and the food that keeps you nourished,…
It isn’t very often that I sit and do absolutely nothing. We moved our old wooden swing last weekend to the shade of a Drake elm in our backyard. When he built the swing we wanted it under a shade tree. When he planted the Drake elm we wanted shade. Guess what…. So I sit in the shade with an occasional breeze passing over me and I hear the birds and the quiet. All three kids are enjoying someone else’s house at the moment and the builder of swing and planter of tree is off doing his preparations for hunting…
Today my first child graduates from college. She will walk across a stage in celebration of the last four years of hard work and determination. I know she will praise God for allowing her the opportunity to live in a time and place that allows this to be so. She has been interacting with children since she was six weeks old. I am not quite sure when she decided this so called major of hers. Her heart has always been on fire for loving others. And now she will make a career out of loving children in the classroom. She…