I have a small block of wood painted black with printed words tucked into a visible place in my closet. There is a framed collage covered in reminders from past writings of my own. There is a reminder that I am a daughter of the King. Why do I tell you these things? Because of that message on that small block of wood. That message is where I land in my open page today. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is…
This open page is where I land this morning. If you followed along yesterday, you saw the same page. You can’t rush this. I started this book, Philippians, at some point in the past, laid it down, and have picked it backup. Do you find yourself doing the same thing? It isn’t that these verses don’t hold my attention. Unfortunately, for me, I allow other things to jump in front of them. Sometimes it isn’t too unfortunate because it takes me to another set of verses and I become immersed in those. Immersion isn’t a bad thing when it comes…
After taking care of necessities, I tiptoe to my kitchen. Coffee is next on my agenda. Yes, I am addicted to coffee. Yes, I am addicted to holding my warm mug of energy in my aging hands, finding comfort for some aches there. The warm liquid and I sit for a while before I have to really get going. During that precious early morning time, with coffee mug in hand, I head to my office. This is a multi-purpose space. I spend quite a bit of time in this space. The elephant in the room is the treadmill. There is…
Hello. What are you up to today? Really! What is on your agenda today? What was the first thing on your mind when you opened your eyes this morning? Or even before you opened your eyes? Tell me in the comments. My brain started waking up about an hour before my alarm was scheduled to sound. That isn’t unusual for me. I turned it off, knowing I wouldn’t go back to sleep. But I stayed put. I drifted in and out of consciousness until 30 minutes after it was to sound. Once again, normal. I don’t stay put every day. …
He clears the fog of the world and reveals His light and truth.
New year. New day. New choices. New opportunities. I am finishing up a study of 1 John. How appropriate this verse comes today! It isn’t the first time reading it. I am hoping it won’t be the last either. One year, a hard one, has passed. It has ended. Times were dark in my heart and mind. Do you know what I mean? Did you have some of those hard patches too? But this truth sweeps in to remind me of the Light. That the Light is already shining. And it is true. Because of Him it is in me.…
Twinkle in her eye with the excitement of pure innocence founded in the unknown experience yet ahead. Body strong but frail but capable of what she didn’t know she could handle. With fortitude of will she takes each step with unsure courage to tackle whatever comes next. With only a slight curve of her lips, because there is also pain, she expresses her joy even in the angst. Lessons of life can’t compare to what others tell you. You just have to live it yourself. Meeting each new experience with alert intention but the flexibility of determination. Because sometimes unexpected…
How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10:29 (NAS) You may think this a strange verse to consider in the midst of Christmas season. For so long, I looked at this verse as a standard to which I could not achieve. My imperfect self could not possibly deserve that which was poured out and split open in a perfect covenant. But to not accept it?…
Consumed with noises swirling around, it is hard to listen. Twists and turns spin thoughts into a cocoon too tight to move. Struggling to squeeze through just a sliver of space to open air. Seeking silent air. Perhaps, whispered air laced with a voice of peace. Grace filled air. Mercies fresh with no tightly woven web. Liberty to stretch and shake loose from the prison of endless voices that have no meaning, no value. Remembering the freedom of that space. Breathing room. Inhale. Exhale. Torso expands and fills. Filling deep. Feeling deep. Then release. Slow release. Release the noise. Repeat.…
He leads me beside still water The edge of the pond had no movement. The center is motionless. No stirring of the waters. Stillness. Calm. Quiet. Trees and sky reflecting in unison. Water bearing image from above. Sheep wander by still water seeing the reflection of their image. Made in His image. Water reflecting His image. An earthly reflection in still water seen dimly giving hope of the eternal image of God.