Do you learn from past experiences? Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I will continue to do the same things with the same results. And they aren’t always good results.
If you read the Bible, you will find many stories of people making the same poor choices with unpleasant circumstances. A vicious cycle of doing things their own way for a while only to discover their own way wasn’t the best way. Caught up in a current of mistakes, like the flow dragging you out to sea, spitting you into the deep.
In a strong current dragging you out to sea, the advice is to swim parallel to the shoreline until you are out of the current, away from that which is pulling you out to sea. Then swim back to shore. Attempting to swim against the current is futile. You will wear yourself out and find the drag of the sea is stronger.
Staying in the water a while, still in danger, but moving away from that current. Moving away from that which wants to rip you away from safety. Only moving away from the source of peril can you find calm waters. Then the passage to dry ground becomes easier.
Where are you at right now? Are you struggling against a current stronger than you? Are you riding it high, going along with it and being carried further out? Are you swimming parallel to shore moving away from danger? Have you exited the water and standing on dry ground, on the rock, calling for others to follow?
Let me encourage you to take action, wherever you are.
If you are struggling against that current, turn! Make the choice to turn away from that stronghold. It really wants to destroy you. There is hope anchored on shore.
If you are riding that current away from shore, think about your choices. The deep ahead has no footing. When you get tired of treading water and want to stand, there will be nothing to support your feet. It is time to take action and remember the shoreline. There is sure footing on that rock. There is hope anchored on the shore.
If you are swimming parallel to shore, be very careful to decide when to turn in toward the shoreline. Turning too soon may circle you back out to sea. Breathe and move. Feel the waters release you. Then head in. Touch bottom. Use every muscle to walk out of the water. Stand on the rock. There is hope anchored on the shore.
If you are standing, looking out at the sea of others struggling with some of the same junk you have already endured, help them. They need you. Cheer them on to get out of that nagging current. Stay on the rock and keep on cheering.
Will you share a word of encouragement in the comments? Have you struggled in a deep current and found the way back to secure ground?
Maybe you are there now, struggling to get a steady footing, needing a firm foundation.
Holy Father, thank You for providing a firm foundation in the hope you give through Your Son. This hope is our anchor to You. For those struggling, lead them out of the struggle. For those moving away from the struggle, encourage them to keep moving. For those anchored on shore in the hope You provide, remind them to help others find the same hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank you for always sharing what God lies on your heart. Today’s is so true love the way you compared and show life through the way we need to turn and swim parallel to the shore till we find the rock the shore and safety.
Thank you for your kind words and for always being my cheerleader!