Break it down. This thing appearing to the shepherds caused them to be terribly frightened. Not just startled but scared. These rough people that kept company with sheep, sleeping outside, on the ground, well accustomed to predators lurking in the dark, were terribly frightened. Protectors of the unprotected, scared! Not easily frightened.
That is why the messenger had to tell them, “Hey, it’s okay. I am not here to harm you. Even though I am fearful looking, I just need to tell you something. And it is going to bring great joy!” Okay. Could the delivery have been a little more subtle? Maybe a little less fierce looking? Hearts were pounding.
Imagine hanging out in a field. Sheep settling in for the night. The shepherds counting sheep. Making sure none have gone astray. Heavy eyes. Wanting sleep. But fiercely protective over their flock. Its dark. Real dark.
Then all of a sudden there is a light unlike anything they have ever seen. Blinding. Do you run? Do you drop on the ground? Are you already on the ground and roll up in a ball, burying your head and eyes in your bed roll? Do you scream? Are the sheep scattered in all different directions? Or did they know what the shepherds didn’t? There’s a gift a few hills over.
Good news. Great joy. A Savior. Messiah. The Lord. A baby? In a manger? Like the feeding trough for animals? The Messiah, a baby, in a feeding trough?
How do you get your head around that?
Just when the shepherds are able to breathe again, more light. How can it get any brighter in the middle of the night? But it isn’t just the light, it is the praising of a multitude, in the middle of a field, in the middle of the night. A concert of heaven for the traveling band of shepherds. But it isn’t just for the shepherds.
This concert celebrates the Messiah’s birth. This concert announces great joy. This concert is to celebrate the saving of the world. This message announcing freedom. Heralding in the redemption of all who seek Him.
Shepherds get around. They went to see the child. Amazed by everything they had witnessed, they couldn’t keep quiet. After seeing the baby in the manger, they had the privilege of sharing the good news. Raised eyebrows. Wondering minds. From that field in the middle of the night, ripples went out of the good news. Stories shared from town to town.
And we are still sharing it!