She was so young. But He knew her long before she was born. And she had been getting to know Him her whole life. She didn’t know He would choose her with the most precious gift of His Son.
She knew what the prophets had said about this Child. She knew the journey she faced would not be easy. She knew the One she held in her womb was more than her Child, He was her Master. How do you birth and raise your Master?

Mary was trusted with this position. Her alone. The strength given to her through the power of God held her heart together. She knew what her Son faced. But she welcomed the position of being His mother. She welcomed the trials in rejoicing for the Savior of the world.
She accepted the accusations from her people. She faced their doubt with faith in God. While her body held her Savior, God held her.
She accepted the provisions of God and trusted Him. He provided Joseph to walk beside her on this journey. He provided Elizabeth to encourage her in the position of being mother to the Savior. He provided a humble birthplace that was made radiant with the Gift from heaven. He provided confidence for her to trust Him.
She didn’t shy away from the task at hand. There was no walking away from it. She embraced the moments fully aware of her position of lowliness and honor. Oh, to be chosen to be the mother of Jesus!