I don’t want to shove this down your throat. Well, I do, but I won’t. It is the message of good news. And this isn’t the kind of good news that the doctor gives about your most recent lab results. It isn’t the kind of good news that reports crime is down. It isn’t good news that your child received an award at school. It isn’t a mysterious amount of money showing up at just the right time.
I can’t shove this down your throat. Because if I do and you don’t want it, you will either throw it up in disgust or ignore it and never consider it again. To your peril.
I can offer it and explain it, but you must want it. You must receive it for yourself. As much as I try to give it to you, unless you reach out and grab it, my efforts are wasted. That doesn’t mean I will stop trying. It just means you may think I am shoving it down your throat. I am not. It is just really good news and I really want you to have it.
I have shared it before. Some listen. Some don’t. Some roll their eyes and skip reading. Some read in complete agreement. My words aren’t reaching far but if you read them always feel free to share if you know someone that may need to hear.
Do you want the good news? If you have come this far, I think you do. Unless you are mindlessly wasting time scrolling through stuff that doesn’t make any difference to or in you. This is here to get your attention. To bring encouragement. To urge you to share the good news if you have it.
I know. I still haven’t given you the good news. But if you have read anything from me before, you already know it.
So, I will leave it there. Not shoving it down your throat. Click around and see if you can find any glimpse of good news.
And I try to give you a little something pleasant to view, as well.