I don’t know why, when created-being serpent was formed, he was allowed to wreak havoc in Eden. He didn’t get to choose the forbidden for us. He didn’t have a say in the choice that was made. He made an offer and we chose. He lied. He spoke against the very thing the Creator had warned against.
Heart racing, knowing the situation was going against the very thing we were told to avoid. Don’t do it. It will not have the consequences you expect. The consequences will be harsh. You will have to live with them for the rest of your life. One wrong choice will bring a lifetime of heartache. Blood rushing through her ears as she reached up from all the beauty and goodness God had placed in and around her and she touched darkness. She felt it and saw it and smelled it and tasted it, hearing the lies and ignoring the cry of God.
God saw it happening. He had given her free-reign to go and do whatever her heart desired. Run free. Uninhibited. No fear. No hiding. The ability to choose whatever was pleasing to her. And in that moment she chose to turn away from God. In that moment, she died to the lavishing love of her Creator.
Afraid and naked, hiding in the trees from the One who sees and knows everything, heart still racing, the consequences begin. Separation from Creator. Attempting to hide shame from the very One who told you not to do it.
We chose the forbidden over the best. Decided to take the offering, believing the lies from someone other than the One who has always provided the best options, extravagant abundance, unending grace, ceaseless mercy.
With all the love that has and will ever exist, God, looked and created and breathed life into us, into you, into me, into Adam and Eve, and decided to let us decide. Free-will. The choice to choose. Desiring relationship, perfect fellowship, dwelling in perfect harmony, united, He desired us. Wanted us to choose Him.
He offered Adam and Eve the perfect home. He lavished them with luxury. They had everything furnished for them. No striving. No struggles. No disease. No tight joints. No skin conditions. The perfect temp all the time. The most comfortable place ever.
But they thought He was holding something back from them. And He was. Death and separation. He held back the hurting and disease. He kept them from struggles. Until they wanted more than His perfect provision.
And they chose the dangling fruit touted to give wisdom. Despite their perfect position as benefactors of the Most High, they chose the path leading to strife and struggle.
Two choices. You have a 50/50 shot. Go right or go left. Go up or go down. Choose good or bad. Want the perfect temp or burning hot? Choose eternal peace or eternal turmoil. Choose fellowship or division. Choose oneness or separation. Grace or enmity. Mercy or justice.
And our choice now is no different than Eve’s. No different than Adam’s. Choose the low road where the slithering serpent slips into darkness and entices us to follow with promises of pleasure and prosperity that will lead to ruin.
Or, instead, choose the Way. He brings peace. Fellowship. Freedom. Grace. Mercy. Sanctification. Salvation. Eternal life, not eternal death. Atonement from the dividing, separating choices we make. Still desiring perfect fellowship with His creation, He gave the solution to the separation. He bridged the gap and gave a Way back from the fall.
But it is our choice. He won’t force us to choose Jesus. He lovingly holds out His hand and offers to pull us up out of the mud and muck. He offers cleansing better than any exfoliator on the market. Robes whiter than your grandmother’s sheets. He offers the fellowship that we turn away from in sin. He covers our sin with the blood of Jesus. Placing on Him every sin that has ever and will ever be confessed.
Our choice.