This passage does not stand alone. No single passage from the Bible stands alone. Many passages before and many passages after. Passages leading to salvation. Passages paving The Way to eternal fellowship with God. Passages displaying the desire of the Father to provide The Way, which is His love.
To separate this passage alone would deny the very words contained therein. And so it is with those who believe. No separation for those who believe. The whole story reveals the need for a Savior and our tendency to try our own path of destruction.
Move back up the page in chapter 8.
To receive the Spirit of God is to receive God as Creator, Christ as Savior, Holy Spirit as Teacher. Receive love. If you receive it, it can’t be taken away. If you genuinely, sincerely receive it and it is sealed in you, nothing can separate it from you. Nothing.
Sit here for a minute. Consider this. Recognizing the need for Christ. Recognizing sin in your life and the need to turn away from it. Recognizing the sin removed not by your actions but by the actions of Christ. Accepting the gift of forgiveness.
Have you been there? Have you accepted the gift of salvation?
If you have, there is no separation for you from the love of God.
If you haven’t, will you accept the love of God? Will you drop to your knees and give yourself to Him? He created you. He knows you. He just wants you to know Him. And the only way to know Him is through the gift Christ offers to redeem you from sin.
So there is separation. There is separation called sin. Sin separates you from the love of God. But giving it to Christ removes that separation. Accepting His redemption separates you from sin.
May I encourage you to recognize His love for you today? Will you freely accept His gift of forgiveness? Will you invite Him into your life and live wholly for Him?
If you have, share it.