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So many of these posts seem incomplete. As I read back over my heart and mind and thoughts poured out in letters and words and pictures, many feel unfinished. Like reading one chapter of a book and not continuing to chapter two. What happens next?  There is no way to know unless you continue.

But what importance does that continuing hold. At times it seems completely useless and a silly waste of time. And then other times it seems life depends on it. Like air for my lungs, it is necessary to keep living. 
Which of these words may be life-offering relief?

If only one is rescued from the flood isn’t the effort of continuing worth it?  To that one it is everything. And if that one is rescued it may lead to that one being the one to reach out to another. 

So continuing isn’t wasted.

Finishing doesn’t become vanity.  It isn’t a perilous fight to the finish but it is a journey.  An adventure of sorts.

Seeing what is just around the bend.

Reaching out and taking another step and moving forward. 

Continuing the journey….