Mediocrity - walk

Breaking out of Mediocrity

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Do you ever feel like whatever you are doing is not what you should be doing?  Not that you are doing something wrong but that the normal thing you do day in and day out just isn’t where your energy should be expended anymore?  You could call it unsettled or discontent. Perhaps you could even call it boredom. Mediocrity screams discontent, right?

Like when you find that place in a good run where you break out in a full-fledged sprint and find exhilaration. Right there at that moment before you decide to ramp it up is that feeling of needing to push a little harder; go a little farther; see just what those legs can pump out. That is where I am. Desperately wanting to take that first all-out stride but finding that hamstring pulling back saying “Whoa!”
So what do you do?  Do you shorten your stride and keep the pace steady or do you throw caution to the wind and take that step in faith that mediocrity just isn’t cutting it anymore?
And not just in your run but in your walk of life!  Same routine. Same food. Same job. Same activities. The security of the same becoming maddening. 
Maybe this is my step to a new pace. Lengthen my stride just enough to allow some pavement to pass quickly so I find new views. 
If none of this makes sense to you it is fine. Sometimes taking a step can bring arched eyebrows and questions. That is okay!  I welcome them. 

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called. Ephesians 4:1(NKJV)
If this does make sense, have you ramped up your walk lately?  Share with me!