The preparation isn’t over just because Christmas was yesterday. The day we celebrate His birth isn’t the only day He is to be celebrated. Advent is still expected. But in the cycle of our annual traditions, we follow earth around the sun and begin the preparation of a new beginning, a new year.
We consider what it will hold as we also consider what is behind. Recounting the times past, moments forever ago that cannot be reclaimed and wonder what the next ones will bring. Deep contemplation between December 25 and January 1. Resolutions formed?
But don’t lose sight of advent. He came as a baby the first time. His second coming will be different.
After the serving of all the food and gifts, there is still serving to be done. As much as I want to hibernate, there are still preparations to be made. Not just preparations for the new year but preparations for my heart and mind to prepare for Him. Leaving space, making space to include Him. Cleaning up from yesterday in preparation for tomorrow.
Will you join me in making space? Will you join me in leaving what is behind and prepare in excited expectation for what lies ahead? Will you join me in continuing to celebrate advent?