This picture isn’t about the reflection of my coffee cup. Not about the glass capturing the reflection. Not about the frame surrounding the glass. Not about the shelf it sits on in my work space.
It sits just above my computer monitors along with pictures of my family. I look up to see my girl and her little family. I look up to see my two boys. I look up to see their daddy and me as young parents. I really need a new picture of us old people!
I look up to see the Names. I read through them. This framed piece of paper printed on the printer sitting on my desk is simple but complex.
Lord, Master. Adonai.
The All-Sufficient One. El Shaddai.
The God Most High. El Elyon.
The God Who Sees. El Roi.
The Creator. Elohim.
The Lord Will Provide. Jehovah-jireh.
The Lord Who Sanctifies You. Jehovah-mekoddishkem.
The Lord My Banner. Jehovah-nissi.
The Lord My Shepherd. Jehovah-raah.
The Lord Who Heals. Jehovah-rapha.
The Lord of Hosts. Jehovah-sabaoth.
The Lord is Peace. Jehovah-shalom.
The Lord is There. Jehovah-shammah.
The Lord Our Righteousness. Jehovah-tsidkenu.
Jealous. Qanna.
May you be reminded of Him today.