This open page is where I land this morning. If you followed along yesterday, you saw the same page. You can’t rush this. I started this book, Philippians, at some point in the past, laid it down, and have picked it backup. Do you find yourself doing the same thing?
It isn’t that these verses don’t hold my attention. Unfortunately, for me, I allow other things to jump in front of them. Sometimes it isn’t too unfortunate because it takes me to another set of verses and I become immersed in those. Immersion isn’t a bad thing when it comes to sinking into scripture.
You see my markings? I don’t claim to be a Bible scholar, although, I suppose anyone who studies the Bible could be considered a Bible scholar. I know far too little about it. I want to know more. So those markings are there to help me sink in and absorb the truths contained in these passages.
This particular Bible is called “The New Inductive Study Bible.” Within these pages, each book begins with instructions for study. There is no commentary in this Bible as you may find in others. There is a brief introduction along with the instructions. The instructions are suggestions for studying the specific passage in front of you.
I purchased this Bible at a Christmas Luncheon in Columbus, Georgia many years ago. Kay Arthur spoke at this luncheon and the ministry that she co-founded was represented. Precept exists to spread the gospel. You can find a plethora of Bible studies on their website. Go explore it!
As for this passage in front of me, pick a verse, any verse. Ask God to open your heart and mind to the Holy Spirit, if you are a believer. Read the verse. Read the verses preceding that verse. Read the verses following that verse. Read them again. Look at the words. Hear the voice of the writer. See the truths. Apply them to your life. Easier said than done? No. Do it.
Each time I open a page, I see something new.
If you aren’t a believer, go to Romans. Read and re-read the entire book. Then read it again. God, the Creator, gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to save you from hell. Hell is real. And it isn’t the worse thing you can imagine on earth. It is worse. How do I know? Because the wrath of God is promised for those that do not believe and follow Him. Read Romans and the rest of the Bible. Go to Revelation.
I’ll share more another time. Sit here for a while with an open page of your own.