• #forsuchatimeasthis - abundant - enough


    What is enough? Is there a mathematical equation to quantify the perfect amount of enough? Just lost all my non-math people! In my world of all things accounting, enough could be enough cash on hand to pay the bills. But then again it could be defined by the owner of the company determining if return on their investment is enough. It is subjective and based on each respective perception of enough. “For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete…

  • abundant - bear - beyond - burden - yoke

    Abundantly Beyond

    Prosperity is holding us captive.  That was the gist of what he was saying right there at the end.  After speaking of the yoke of Jesus being easy and the burden light because He takes it all on Him and we don’t have to carry it any longer.  Leaning on Him and letting Him bear the weight because after all He can handle it much better than me.  But is there recognition of the lack of weight associated with Him carrying that great load or is there a constant tugging to keep it on my shoulders?  Does the abundantly beyond…