Her topic was prayer. As she spoke, my attention was pulled from the words she spoke. I tried to listen to her but there was a clicking sound. Not constant but just frequent enough to distract me.
Isn’t that exactly what Satan does? He uses the smallest annoyance to grab our attention so we won’t focus on what is important. He likes that game. He uses it quite well.
I knew where the clicking came from but I continued to choose to ignore it. Even though I was very aware of it. I wondered if anyone else noticed it. She was not the first speaker over the course of the weekend that I had noticed the same clicking. I even wondered if she heard it.
She gave us a moment of silence. Time to pray. A brief moment to offer up a request to God. In that moment the only thing I could think was to keep my focus. To keep my perspective from shifting somewhere outside of the immediate need of thought. I needed to hear what God had for me through the words He had given her. I didn’t need for Satan to distract me from this!
So I asked for the ability to ignore the clicking. No earth-shattering request. Just one simple, ridiculous request when there are so many other things with much more importance. Did I waste that prayer or did God use it to show me He listens and He answers? You decide.
As she closed out that moment of prayer, she removed one earring. The very earring that clicked on the shaft of her microphone. And she continued unaware that anyone else had been distracted by it. And I heard and saw and witnessed such a simple request with an earth-shattering realization.
Don’t ever doubt God’s concern for every detail of your life. He is in control over all! He wants our prayers offered in sincerity and genuine realization of Who He is and who we are, His children.