As we come to the end of another year, many reflect on what has been and what will be. The has been is done. Unless it’s not. Unfinished business hanging over head can either serve to drag you down or bolster you into action. Finding the need to tidy up unfinished business is where I found myself with only three days left in the year.
Boxes have been thrown, literally, into the spare room, bedroom, gym, nursery, storage, etc. It has been a catch-all room during the Christmas season. Amazon packages opened with the boxes deposited into the ever-growing pile. The room fast became impassable. It needed attention.
Some boxes are worthy to keep so the sorting began. Removing shreds of wrapping paper left from the frenzied gift opening of Christmas day. Breaking down undesirable boxes that needed to find another home. Inserting and stacking into a neat, concise package to tuck into the closet for those remaining.
Vacuuming remains of dust and particles littering the floor. Replacing furniture that had been shifted. Preparing the room for expected company or even to revisit one potential use as a desperately needed gym. Fresh bedding. Mirror added to the top of the chest of drawers.
It was finished. Or at least as finished as I desired. I was satisfied.
And so this year can wrap-up with one less thing hanging over my head.
God does that with us. He takes and sorts out the unnecessary and leaves behind only what will be fruitful. He cleans up the unsavory, poor producing junk in our lives and leaves behind freshly trimmed branches that will burst open with life. Anticipation of rich, heavy fruit for the next harvest season.
You and I have two days remaining in the year. An analysis of what needs to be pruned may be in order today. Leaving the past in the past and preparing to move forward with Him. Shake off the old. It doesn’t have to join you in the new year. Take only what you need. Take Him.
Will you share in the comments what you will leave behind? Will you share what you need to do today to make that happen?