#forsuchatimeasthis - Garden


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I follow a few gardeners that will tell you planning your garden is an important first step to having a successful garden. Knowing your soil and your space helps plan the what, when and where. To help your herbs, vegetables, fruit and flowers thrive your plan must be well thought out ahead of time and executed carefully.

The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Psalms 92:12 NASB

Preparing the soil may begin at the end of the previous season. Allowing weeds to overtake the ground may not be the best approach to preparing for the next season’s bounty. Instead, a nice, rich layer of mulch will add nutrients and deter weeds from invading your space.

Planted in the house of the LORD, They will flourish in the courts of our God. Psalms 92:13 NASB

Your plants need the proper amount of light to grow. Some plants require full sun while others part shade and then some will scorch with any direct sunlight. Finding plants for the space you have will prove beneficial for the harvest you want.

They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green, Psalms 92:14 NASB

We are a lot like the plants in your garden. When we are nourished and well-cared for, we flourish. When we allow weeds to grow up around our ankles, we get pulled down. Proper hydration keeps our bodies running smoothly. We grow toward the Light.

Dig deep to get the roots of weeds out of your garden. Fertilize your soil with the Word of God. Plant compassion and hospitality sprinkled with love. Prune dead branches so they don’t use up precious resources. Encourage growth by keeping a fresh supply of living water.

Gather your tools and prepare to plant your garden. You can anticipate a bountiful harvest. Your efforts will be rewarded.

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