She knew it would hurt. Reaching over to touch the shoulder of another that had experienced a similar wound. It was a wound that couldn’t be seen. So many have had a similar wound. Only if you look closely in the eyes can you see it. Or if you purposely listen, you can hear it in their heart. You may have a wound that you keep hidden. Only allowing it to be seen by those closest to you. But others may need to see it in you. What can you share to help another?
He said the words we all needed to hear. He needed them too. When the pain becomes unbearable, find someone to help. Reach outside of the pain to lift someone else up. Give encouragement to another when there seems to be none for you. He knew the wound. He had experienced the grief. He was living it. But he knew encouraging others gives perspective.
Memories flood from times past. Good and bad. The good we cherish and remember fondly. Brings smiles to our faces. We want to relive them. The bad causes us to sink. Brings doubts and fears to the surface. Not really sure what to do with them. Share both.
Encouragement goes a long way. Find someone to encourage today. It can’t be done sitting alone. There has to be action. Reaching out. Observing. Paying attention to needs. Inviting. Sharing. Being together.