Flesh draped Jesus. Perfect Son of God. Full of mercy. Giver of grace. Creator. Savior. Helper. Friend.
He faced the same junk we do. He cut teeth. Potty-trained. Navigated social injustices. Felt the sting of slaps. Faced ridicule from His family. Tempted in every way. But He didn’t allow temptation to overtake Him. He didn’t sin.
Not exactly what you think about for a Christmas theme. Consider His life. This innocent, helpless Child came to save sinners. He brought the perfect gift through His mercy and grace. A gift we could never repay. No wrapping is elaborate enough to match the mercy-wrapped Christmas Child.
In the wretched condition of our hearts and minds, He stepped in. Desiring us to turn to Him. Coming close to us, near. Walking the same walk we walk. Touching, feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting, hearing but uncompromising. Steady. Righteous. Unwavering.
He reaches out to us. He rescues us. He restores us to Himself. He redeems.
Keeping our eyes fixed on Him, He makes the way for us. Stripping all tightly wrapped temptation away. He stripped Himself down to a Child and offered us what no one else could. The perfect, blameless sacrifice to take our sins. His perfect Christmas gift.
Will you accept the gift of Christmas? Will you share in the comments?