The news blared loud from the screen hanging on the wall. It was too much to take. Robbery. Murder. Scandal. War. Terrorism. Disease. Political nightmares. Financial distress. Suicide. Natural disasters.
Its all there and more. Sometimes I think the media alone could cause the ruin of a country and even the world. Choices made to broadcast far and wide the worst of the worst. It sells. It is sensational to watch the images run across screens. Supposedly far removed from the confines of my living room. But are they?
When I can’t take it anymore, it gets turned off. The ones living it can’t turn it off. Despite the media placing spins on situations, there is destruction and desperation. There are lives in peril. And there have been since the beginning of time. There will continue to be.
But there is hope. Wrapped up in layers of cloth, He was placed in an animal feeding trough, sitting in a dark, cold barn with animals and their mess. He was placed in the midst of us. He left the comfort of His home to join us in ours. In all our mess, He shows up.
He doesn’t mind the floor in need of sweeping.
He doesn’t mind the laundry piled high.
He doesn’t mind the scum in the shower.
He doesn’t mind the dust on the lamp.
He doesn’t mind the stain on the front of your shirt.
He doesn’t mind that thing you did five minutes ago that you regret.
He doesn’t mind that thought you let go too far.
He came. As Wonderful Counselor. Seek His counsel. He wants you to. Just call on Him.
He came. As Mighty God. Fear Him. A reverential fear knowing His power. Just look around at His creation.
He came. As Eternal Father. Rest in Him. Perfect protection. Everlasting provision. Rely on Him.
He came. As Prince of Peace. When you know Him, you know peace. If you don’t know Him, allow me to introduce you to the Savior of my soul.
He came as a baby. To create a path for us to follow. It is a path of love that is incomprehensible. In the middle of all the nasty, rotten junk that I think and do, He reached down and said I am forgiven after I reached the end of me. I had to look to Him. I had to recognize Who He is. And I had to ask for forgiveness. But He forgave. He replaced my hurt and regret with peace and love. He gave me mercy. He gave me grace.
He will do the same for you. If you already know Him, will you share in the comments?