The very presence of the Holy Child was the greatest gift ever. His gift ushered in THE WAY to the Father. His gift brought eternal hope. His gift was fellowship with Him. His gift was the only sacrifice that could save our souls.
But we continue giving gifts. Small tokens of affection bestowed upon those that hold special places in our lives. Cost, unimportant. Action, more important.
The gift of the Messiah wasn’t the only gift brought to Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago. Magi saw the star and knew its meaning for all mankind. This wasn’t just any star. This star led the way to Jesus. They were wise to follow it.
Have you ever had an experience when you just couldn’t believe you were there at just the right moment and became amazed at what you just witnessed? Words can’t properly express the amazement you feel? Overcome by a sense of awe, silence envelops you. Wide-eyed wonder. Jaw-dropping. You don’t know whether to fall on your face or scream at the top of your lungs with hands in the air. Suspended in time.
I imagine that is how the magi felt. Their lives were devoted to studying stars and nature. The earth and sky were their textbook. They knew what to look for. They made it a practice to be prepared. Only distance stood in their way and they shortened that by taking action to get to where they needed to be to witness and worship.
The star led the way. And they followed.
Mary standing there in her normal apron, fixing supper. Lamps lit. Flour smeared on her forehead from where she tried to push an errant strand of hair from her face. Jesus, not sure how old he was when they arrived, but, Jesus, playing with blocks of wood from Joseph’s shop under Mary’s feet. Jesus sitting on the floor with big baby eyes and little fingers and toes learning what it is like to be human. Joseph just out back cutting wood.
Elaborately dressed easterners show up at the house. Probably a pretty big party. I wonder if Mary started counting heads and cups of flour. Camels and attendants and wise men. Carrying precious gifts. Flooding the humble dwelling with magnificence, only shadowed by the magnificence of the Child playing on the floor. Again, Mary, wondering how all these people will fit in her house. The visitors brought worldly grandeur with fine spices and precious metal. Costly gifts. The entourage was impressive. They had just left the king and to have audience with him would not have been common. And the uncommon visitors flooded their small space.
Upon arriving they fell to their faces in worship. On the floor where tiny baby toes wiggled. Baby giggles heard over the sight in His space. His fingers grasping the fingers of the travelers. The travelers bowing low and timid, desperately wanting to stare into His deep eyes to behold all of Him. That was why they had to be there. They traveled far to worship. They traveled far to bring gifts. They traveled far to bring their gift of worship.
Their gifts, provisions for the Savior.
How often in your life have you been able to see Jesus face to face?
What would you do to get there?
What gifts would you present to Him?
How will you recognize and respond to the gift of Him?
Share in the comments what action you will take to get to the Messiah.