He felt threatened. Word of His birth had him scrambling to secure his throne. He would not sit back and allow a foretold Child to overtake his position as king. So he did what had to be done. He decimated a generation.
His agenda was to maintain control. He wasn’t the first one to want what didn’t belong to him. And he certainly wasn’t the last. Doing whatever it takes to secure our position, we all will lie and cheat and steal and destroy to hold on to what destroys us in the end. He lied to locate the Messiah. Deception was no match for Truth. His royal position ended in his own demise.
Why bring Herod into this line-up? He was a contributor to how prophecy was fulfilled. He was used by God to execute His plan. Herod made the choices but God knew he would. No self-serving king would sit back and be replaced so easily by a Child. He tried to steal Christmas.
The Child, protected from the murderous king, escaped the enemy’s plot. His position was more secure than any earthly king. His Royal Heritage was unmatched. His throne had to wait on Him for a few decades but it is eternal.
Herod couldn’t destroy the gift of Christmas.
What Herod’s are you allowing into your manger scene? Maybe your manger needs to be cleaned up a little. Consider what may be stealing your Christmas.
Are you missing redemption because it is covered up with glitter and twinkly lights? Is the King of Kings missing from your Christmas celebration because you have allowed another king to reign?
Place Jesus on the throne this Christmas. Allow Him the place of honor in your celebration. Worship Him.

Will you share in the comments how you honor Him during your celebration of Christmas?
What place of honor does Jesus have in your Christmas celebration?