#forsuchatimeasthis - Advent - Christmas

A Willing Participant

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He isn’t discussed much in the story. None of the writers mention him often. There isn’t much said about the man. Have you looked for him in this story?

His family tree is provided. A brief narrative of interaction in a dream is described. His description of being a guardian is recorded. 

But have you considered him? 

Thrust into this story, he served as a quiet, strong, willing participant. No different than Mary, unknowingly, given a position in history only he could play out. He received reassurance but it came in dreams. On the outside, opinions, judgments, dangers, and speculating eyes all followed him. 

He obeyed the law of Moses by taking the Child to Jerusalem. Along with Mary, he was anxious about the Child’s welfare. He filled the role of earthly father. 

He did what any other father would have done for the Child. He provided leadership. He taught Him a skill. He was able to keep that which was given to him safe from the enemies of the King.

He had a front row seat and personal influence over the Messiah. His hands held the Child. 

God allowed Joseph to raise His Son. He gifted a righteous man, with a willing heart, to hold the hand of His mother. Her body may have carried Him, but Joseph protected Him. She pondered the things and kept experiences in her heart but Joseph had Him on his mind.

His profession was carpentry. He knew how to measure. Accurate cuts were required. He knew the different species of wood. He knew which were appropriate for different purposes. He was a craftsman. Attention to detail with creative flair was required in his job.

He took his family to church. He made sure the things of God were placed first for them. He had Immanuel living in his house! 

I would like to have a conversation with him. I want to know things from his perspective. Did he look at Jesus the way I see my husband look at our children? He stands back and lets them learn. He doesn’t rush in the way I want to do; to help and hinder. But he releases them to think and grow when I want to hold on and keep them as they were wrapped in a blanket, nestled in my arms as tiny babies.

Joseph knew the baby blankets couldn’t stay. They weren’t meant to be lasting articles of warmth. He knew the cold world was like a blood-hound seeking to devour but he trusted the One that gave the Messiah. He knew the tools needed for life were thicker and stronger and couldn’t rip apart over time. 

Luke records:

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52 (NASB)

I know God provides wisdom. I know God is in control. But I also know that a child is influenced by those adults that come in direct contact with Him. God placed Joseph in the life of His Son to raise Him. To teach Him. To love Him. To protect Him. To guide Him. To give Him enough room to hang out in the temple. To let Him grow.

Since I am not a theologian with knowledge of the historical accounts of the man, I can’t say when Joseph died, but he isn’t mentioned at the cross. He prepared the Son for adulthood and then he was gone. He did what was needed of him and was taken out of the picture. He didn’t linger, wringing his hands. He didn’t worry that the job he performed wasn’t good enough. He did what he knew to do and trusted the Master.

I want to be like Joseph. I want to fulfill the role God has for me while I am here on earth. I don’t want to sit around wringing my hands worrying, needlessly. There is work to be done. I want to be a willing participant in the story God is writing for my life.

Are you a willing participant? Will you share in the comments?