The explosion brought a flood of light, gentle but overwhelming. Terror was the immediate reaction but then calm. Peace. Incomprehensible love. What is the source? From where did this moment come? Is it temporary or permanent?

The question of the ages. From where does love come?
Quaint Hallmark movies portray picturesque scenes in idyllic towns generating love.
Lyrics croon over emotional encounters evoking empty love.
Weddings stir up the promise of forever love.
One love, though, the One true love isn’t found in a movie, song or wedding.
It is found in the mire and mud of a barn.
It is found in the blood dripping on a splintered cross.
It is found in an empty tomb with linen cloths left behind neatly folded.
It is found in hospital rooms.
It is found in the middle of the night with nursing babies.
It is found at check-out lines in the grocery store when the bill is more than the payment but it works anyway.
It is found in generosity.
It is found in mercy.
It is found in forgiveness.
Have you known love? Will you share in the comments?
Holy Father, Your love is incomprehensible. Thank You for the gift of unmerited love toward us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.