I am selfish. It is obvious by the prolonged silence I have in this space. The silence doesn’t represent periods of drought in my life. Well, not always. There are times of stale stagnation. But then there are times of rich learning and deep fellowship which I hoard.
So here we are. A crossroads if you will. The realization that the fellowship I have known, which I have selfishly held in isolation, is for you too. Can I, may I, share it with you? Will you enter into this fellowship with me? Perhaps you have experienced your own? I pray you have shared it with others and not selfishly hoarded it like I have.
God desires our fellowship. He knows each one of us intimately. He knows the most joyful and the most dreadful among us. He is creator, you know!
He waits patiently, even in chaos and struggle, He waits. In slanderous, back-biting political debates, He waits. In deceptive business deals, He waits. In gossip-filled church groups, He waits.
His waiting is for the truth-filled fellowship of those He has called. Sincere recognition of Him.
Yahweh. Jehovah. I Am. The Beginning and The End.
Waiting for your worship and fellowship. Waiting for your attention to be turned to Him.
Let me encourage you to worship daily. Fellowship with Him frequently. Even constantly. If you know Him, He is your constant companion. Become alert to Him.
Share with others, maybe even with me, the joy of your fellowship.