The imprint of the Creator becoming evident on the heart of the created. Without having known the precepts, not having been taught the scriptures, not having been in the presence of reading and teaching and discipling. Just the Creator leaving a mark on a heart and that heart being intentional to the prompting of its Maker.
How beautiful to think on this! Creator God fashioned in the womb each individual. Breathed life into lungs. Gave rhythm to the heart. That rhythm knows the Drummer. He keeps time.
Find your pulse. Feel it. If you have a stethoscope, listen to the beating of your heart. Now, know that is God’s rhythm in you. Stay here for a minute or two or three. Consider His provision of that rhythm. Without that rhythm you have no life.
Without the Creator you have no life. He places life in each one. Each one owns instincts inherently given by God. The precepts of God written on your veins. Coursing through your body with each beat of His drum.
Fill your lungs and chest and back and stomach and intestines as full as you can get them. Use every extra space to take in a little more oxygen. Hold it. Let it out slowly. Then fill up again. Let it out loud and hard.
Feel your pulse again. And stay here. Listen for Him.
What has He written on your veins?
What will you do with the instinctive of your heart?
Are you intentional with that instinct for Him?