My head nods heavy. It feels like it could fall off my shoulders. I struggle to keep my eyes open. I feel a dark covering attempting to drape my eyes of all light. I can’t focus my vision. My brain is wanting to shut down. My head bobs and jerks. How embarrassing when you are sitting in church!
Have you ever been there? Be honest. I know you have done that head jerk thing where you felt like the whole congregation saw you when you bit your lip as you violently pulled your head back upright, blinking eyes hard and fast attempting to remove the grit. Then a quick silent prayer that the pastor did not see you. But then you look at him and boom, his eyes are fixed on you. Sure that your face is flushed in shame, adjusting your bottom in the seat, you straighten your back and reposition to regain consciousness.
Maybe you had one of those moments in class or at work. They always seem to come at the most inappropriate time. While you should be paying attention and sleep wants to overtake you in slumber. All you want to do is curl up and sleep.
I do that in life, too. Periods of time where I am completely oblivious to what is right in front of my face. I go through the motions of living without really living. Mindless wanderings through the days and weeks and months accomplishing nothing more than the bare minimum. Not alert to my surroundings.
There is an old abandoned dwelling on our property. The front porch is overgrown with jasmine and weeds. We gingerly approach the walkway watching for slithering creatures. We have come upon one a time or two. Always an eye opener when you see one lurking behind an old rotten board. Grabs your attention, causing alarm. Senses heighten. Creepy crawly snakes waiting to strike.
When I am walking with my head down, unaware of my surroundings, danger waits to snatch me up. Evil lurks in the places my eyes don’t see. Just because I don’t see it or am unaware of it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. In the darkness, evil hides. Waiting for me to be unaware of its presence so it can claim my oblivious self for its folly. It wants to make me its jester. It waits for me to bring great entertainment with my lack of consciousness.
But when I sit in full sunlight, and turn my face toward it, feeling the warmth wash over me, I smell the earth. Wrapped in the goodness of warm light, aware of the Presence that provides the Light. I can walk in faith that evil has no dominion over me. My attention is given to the One that holds my safety. Thanksgiving known in the awareness of Him.