A car seat sitting on the side of the road. Sitting in the dark. What would you do?
Harsh words spoken to you. Fragile heart hurts. How do you respond?
Mistake made. Recognized. Contrite. What next?
Drink offered. You know it isn’t necessary. Do you accept?
She saw a car seat on the side of the road. Her toddler in the back seat with number two on the way. Her mama-heart immediately beats faster. Mind goes into over-drive. Protect her little ones but what if there is one in that seat. She turns around and calls 911. Clear view shows an empty seat. She calls off the emergency and returns on her way home. Ruffled from the scare but safe.
Words can sting. I remember as a child saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” I don’t say that anymore. It is a lie. Physical wounds may heal and leave a scar that hurts for years but may not affect the heart and mind. Words have a way of settling on your heart and simmer into deep scars in your mind. The mind remembers the pain. Thick skin, hard heart, closed mind or forgiveness, a heart of flesh, a mind full of compassion.
Everyone makes them. But what do you do with them? Righting all wrongs could be a full-time job. Mistakes can be unintentional but be intentional in correcting them. Make amends. Do what it takes to right wrongs.
A drink. A cookie. A tasteless joke. Juicy gossip. Scrolling for hours on social media. You name it. You know what draws you in. Simple, everyday stuff being used to keep you away from what is needed. Child of God, you are loved by the Creator. He desires your fellowship. Holy and set apart from what keeps you from Him. Resist temptations.
Choices surround us everyday. From simple to complex. Relying on God is always the best option. Being alert that the devil wants to pull you away from God allows you to have the upper hand. Stay alert and keep your mind fixed on God. Give Him your whole soft heart. Let Him fill you with compassion. Forgive as He forgives you. Rest in His protection.