For in the eighth year of his reign while he was still a youth, he began to seek the God of his father David; and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places, the Asherim, the carved images and the molten images. 2 Chronicles 34:3
So young to be thrust into leadership. Josiah was born into royalty. He became king at the tender age of eight. But it wasn’t all fragrant roses; more thorns. God used his young mind and heart to change some things. A fresh perspective was needed.

In seeking God, you find Him. When you find Him, you find there needs to be a radical shift away from the current situation. A shift away from the thinking and actions that kept you separated from Him. Josiah’s kingdom needed a radical change.
Continuing on the same path that has led to devastation before will bring you to more devastation. Unless you make a change you can expect the same outcome. Josiah decided the same old path of his dad and granddad wasn’t acceptable to him. His kingdom needed to follow a different path.
He cleaned house. He destroyed the false gods that only served to steal attention from the One True God. He tore down altars and idols and images. He burned bones. Fire to purge and leave a clean slate.
Is there something in your life that needs to be destroyed? Is there an old habit that leads you down an old path of hurt and heartache? Is a radical shift needed? Is a purge required to rid you of anything that separates you from God?
Seek Him. Ask Him to show you what is keeping you from Him. Ask Him to help you make a shift in thought and action. Ask Him to lead you in following Him.