Early morning rising to be up before the sun. To gather thoughts and prepare for the day. Things to be accomplished that couldn’t be done the day before. Unfinished business to attend.
The bundles of spices laid by the door to be picked up and taken to the tomb. The dark dry earth may be wet with Him now. Deal with the rock at the time. Not sure how.

The sky already shows signs of being awake. An orange glow in the east. Some pink and purple streaked clouds beckoning good morning. What beauty to behold! What task is ahead?
The rock has been moved. THE ROCK HAS BEEN MOVED?
He isn’t here. Then where is He? Surprise and amazement has been the norm with Him. Why should this be any different? Never-ending amazement and awe.
Even when others betray He is faithful to do what He says. He said He would rise. And He did!
Now to share. Share the good news of the resurrected Christ. The Son is alive. Conquered the grave. Defeated sin.