For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:21
Paul chose one with genuine concern for others. He couldn’t go himself so it was important to him to send one that would appropriately handle the task at hand. That one needed to be counted upon. He needed to care. He needed to have proven worth in the cause of Christ. He needed to be able to relay to the people Paul’s concern and care but also needed to be able to return the same back to Paul. He needed to be concerned for the interests of Christ. He needed to be concerned for those that needed encouragement, for their welfare.
There is a message in this for me. One that I need to grasp. One that requires me to get out of my own head and take a view from the outside. It may not be a view that I want to see. It isn’t pretty. It is one of self-reflection to see selfish ambition. Ouch!
You see, in my world of solitude and isolation, which I find myself in more than not, I don’t have an upfront view of the concerns of others. I can hide away and ignore the needs outside my door. Behind my door I feel safe and secure. I don’t get into messy, sticky situations when I stay behind my door. I can keep things neat and tidy.
So this becomes my open door. This, that you are reading now. I open this door for you because I may not see you face to face. I may not even know you. But then again I may know you just to see you rarely.
Step through an open door. Find out what others need. Is it a word of encouragement? Perhaps it is a friend. Do you know someone that needs salvation? Lend a hand to someone today. Look for an opportunity to seek the interests of others. Not by being a busy-body but by having genuine concern and care for another.
I will do the same as I go about my day. I hope to see you out there.