Disclaimer: This is not an article containing financial investment advice but please read for potential eternal investment opportunities.
Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD Until He comes to rain righteousness on you. Hosea 10:12
Spring brings with it new life.

Fresh buds of life sprouting and growing.

Eggs rolling around chirping.

Chirping that breaks the egg from the inside.

Trees coming to life with new foliage.

Little fingers exploring the world.

That hand! That hand is busy. Exploring. Discovering. Learning. Taking it all in. Wanting to touch and see and experience. That hand will only be small for a very short time.
The deposits into his life are shaping him into the man he will become. Exponential returns can be expected. Where love grows it will abound even more. The same can be said of evil.
The conditions of the market are volatile. Turn on any type of media or step foot into any public place and see how the influences of the world are explosive. It is a risky venture, raising a child. Danger is lurking around every corner.
New life requires the right environment to live. Seeds need nutrient rich soil and temperature and water and air. Eggs need adequate warmth and cushion. Trees need wide-open space to move up. Flowers need bees.
The investment into a child will prepare that child to invest in the next generation. Preparation is key. Time, attention, intentional conditions are hard to provide. Prayer and determination mixed with side-line support is needed for this marathon. Great reward awaits.
Seek God. Go make eternal deposits.