It’s been a while since I touched Play-Doh. Much softer than I remember. Pliable. Easily transformed into whatever shape it is pressed into. It is at the mercy of the hands holding it.
My hands are not those of an artist or craftsman. I have not practiced the skill of making clay into wonderful shapes and vessels. Although, I love watching a clump of lifeless clay turned and molded and formed into a beautiful vessel.
I think of my Creator. How He molds and shapes and forms me with great detail. He cares about the details. He oversees them with precision. There is nothing more precise than His specifications.
But now, O LORD , You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand. Isaiah 64:8
I want to stay in my Creator’s hands. I want His impression on me. I want to be in the shape He forms me into. I want to be a functioning vessel for His purpose.