Yesterday was busy. My clothes dryer stopped drying my clothes. With the humidity at 100%, even hung all over the house with the air conditioning on, clothes will not dry quickly. Doorways became clotheslines.
I work from home each Wednesday in an effort to focus on the tasks at hand. Wednesdays are always busy. I add laundry in the mix to force myself to get up and move away from the computer. I didn’t expect the dryer going out!
May I ask you a question about your laundry space? If you have a washer and a dryer, do you periodically move them to clean under and behind them? I confess, I don’t! But I should!
Since my kids were around the age of 10, they do their own laundry. Yes, even my boys learned to do their own laundry at that age. They may not sort properly and definitely like to keep baskets full of clean clothes sitting around as their storage method. They also will leave used dryer sheets on the floor. Those things slip easily under machines!
My laundry room also serves as storage for cleaning supplies. So I emptied the space (not a very large laundry room) of all things cluttering the floor except the two machines. I proceeded to pull the dryer away from the wall while disturbing dust from centuries ago. Not really but it felt like it. I found clothes hangers and dryer sheets and lint behind and under that machine. It was really embarrassing! But gave me a really good opportunity to clean that space.
After work, my sweet husband went straight to purchase a new machine. I had the space ready for him. He was not accosted by the dust bunnies. He was able to come in the space, remove the old and bring in the new. He did have a slight bump in the road that caused a second trip to the store.
Some of the clothes are still hanging in doorways this morning. I dried one load in the new machine. I was too tired to take down everything down, run it through the dryer and rehang.
I thank God my family has clothes to wear. I am thankful I have functioning machines that will do most of the work for me. I am also thankful for a husband that will get a new machine on his way home from work and install it late on a Wednesday evening.
It has been an eventful week in my house. What about yours? Has God helped you through some issues this week that would have been bigger issues without Him?
Mine was a small issue compared to circumstances many face!
Praying you find Him in all your circumstances!
The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.’ Numbers 6:24-26