And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
It’s right there. Paul said “all.” Not some. No ifs, ands or buts.
God will supply all your needs. Not because you or I deserve it. Oh no! According to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
God gives what is undeserved from His goodness. Grace.
God withholds what is deserved. Mercy.
Even in prison, Paul’s needs were met. He experienced the supply of God.
Have you experienced the supply of God? If your first reaction is no, think again. Really take a moment and consider your situation at this moment.
You have some device in front of you. A phone. A tablet. A computer. A laptop.
Is there a beverage close by? Have you eaten today or have the opportunity to do so? Are you clothed? Is there a closet with more clothes that belong to you? Do you have a car or the ability to obtain transportation when you want or need to go somewhere? Did you have a place to sleep last night? Is there a group of believers you call family?

If you answered yes to those questions, may I suggest you have experienced the supply of God.
And even more importantly, if you are reading still, you have the desire to know God. Look for His supply in your life. He has a never-ending supply. His storage capacity is greater than anything you can imagine.
Recognize Him for it. Thank Him for his faithfulness. Praise Him for sharing His riches.