After taking care of necessities, I tiptoe to my kitchen. Coffee is next on my agenda. Yes, I am addicted to coffee. Yes, I am addicted to holding my warm mug of energy in my aging hands, finding comfort for some aches there. The warm liquid and I sit for a while before I have to really get going.

During that precious early morning time, with coffee mug in hand, I head to my office. This is a multi-purpose space. I spend quite a bit of time in this space.

The elephant in the room is the treadmill. There is a lot of history with that treadmill. It has been used by everyone in my household. It has stood the test of ten years of use. I used that treadmill during my training for my one and only half-marathon. Each one that gets on that treadmill has music in their ears. Mine happens to be Christian music. But I digress. Let’s get back to the rest of the room.

Aloe plants line the top shelf of a bookcase. My husband would love for me to get rid of all the plants that I have collected over the years. We won’t talk about my back porch! These aloe plants have provided relief from my injuries sustained while attempting to cook. They bring life to the room. Yes, you are supposed to laugh.
I won’t show you everything but give you a quick list of stuff in this small space. It is a converted porch made sunroom. Filing cabinets. Shelves on the wall hold my small library. An old wooden desk that weighs as much as an elephant. A tall table I use as a desk for my computer work space. Two chairs and a rolling chair I use at my desk. Two walls of windows. A toy chest. Exercise stuff laden with dust. Pictures of my family. And most importantly, this is the room where Bible sits close by my work space.

I will share more later. Time to get ready for the rest of my day. Have a great day!
Coffee and Bible, yes, we are together, my sister.