
Finding stillness

Sharing is caring!

Consumed with noises swirling around, it is hard to listen.  Twists and turns spin thoughts into a cocoon too tight to move.  Struggling to squeeze through just a sliver of space to open air.  Seeking silent air.  Perhaps, whispered air laced with a voice of peace.

Grace filled air.  Mercies fresh with no tightly woven web.  Liberty to stretch and shake loose from the prison of endless voices that have no meaning, no value.

Remembering the freedom of that space.  Breathing room.  Inhale.  Exhale.  Torso expands and fills.  Filling deep.  Feeling deep.  Then release.  Slow release.  Release the noise.


Stillness ushers in space for fellowship with God.  Silence welcomes His presence.  Awareness of Him.  Would that it could be known more readily in the chaos.  Practice.

We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,  2 Corinthians 10:5 (NASB) 


Taking captive the swirling mass of disruption.  Bringing into focus the knowledge of God.  Precision with no confusion.  Clarity.

Worship Him.  His space.  For His glory.  For Him alone.

Creator.  Sustainer.  Provider.  Savior.  Healer.  Almighty.  Master.  Protector.

Thankful for His goodness.  Thankful for His kindness.  Thankful for His patience.  Thankful for His love.

Thankful that He knows needs before they are spoken.  Thankful for intercession.